Daylight Savings and Fall Fatigue: 6 Simple Sleep Strategies for the Changing Season

Daylight Savings and Fall Fatigue: 6 Simple Sleep Strategies for the Changing Season

Karin W

October 8, 2024

Feeling the Fall Slump? How to Outsmart Daylight Savings and Boost Your Sleep

A person is slumped in a chair, fast asleep with their head tilted to one side, reflecting a deep sense of exhaustion and fatigue. The disheveled posture conveys the struggle to stay awake amid overwhelming tiredness. Soft lighting surrounds them, emphasizing the need for rest and the toll that fatigue takes on daily life.
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As the leaves change and the days grow shorter, many people with autoimmune diseases battle seasonal fatigue.

While fatigue is a common symptom year-round, the shift in weather—and the effects of Daylight Savings Time—can make it feel especially heavy in the fall.

Whether it’s due to the increased darkness or disruption in sleep routines, feeling drained this time of year is all too common.

What’s the Difference Between Sleepiness and Fatigue?

It’s important to understand that sleepiness and fatigue are not the same thing:

  • Sleepiness is the desire to sleep, usually resolved by a nap or a good night’s rest.
  • Fatigue, however, is an overwhelming state of exhaustion that doesn’t go away, no matter how much sleep you get.

People with autoimmune diseases often describe fatigue as:

  • “Lugging around a ton of bricks all day.”
  • “A spirit-draining exhaustion that no amount of sleep fixes.”
  • “Even simple tasks like cooking or cleaning feel impossible.”

Fatigue can affect everything from personal hygiene to social activities, work, and even relationships. It’s a pervasive sense of weariness that goes beyond needing a nap—it lingers no matter how much you rest.

Our Invigorate Your Journey community is no stranger to this. We’ve heard countless stories from members falling asleep in the most unexpected places.

We’ve seen it all, from catching a quick nap under a desk at work to dozing off on trains or buses during commutes.

A young woman is sleeping on a train, her head resting against the window as the sun sets outside. Her relaxed posture illustrates a deep sense of fatigue and the exhaustion that often accompanies daily life. The soft glow of the sunset adds warmth to the scene, highlighting the challenges of finding rest amidst the hustle and bustle of commuting, especially during the time change of daylight savings.

Some have even found themselves sleeping for hours on end without feeling any more refreshed afterward.

These stories reflect how sleepiness may feel random and situational, but fatigue is different.

It’s a constant, heavy presence that makes even staying awake a monumental task, let alone performing day-to-day activities.

For many, it’s not just about getting more sleep but about finding ways to holistically restore energy.

How Daylight Savings Time Affects Sleep and Energy

The shift during Daylight Savings Time can throw off our body’s internal clock, also known as our circadian rhythm.

This natural rhythm is influenced by light exposure, and when the clocks change, it can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to feelings of tiredness and fatigue.

space gray aluminum case white sport band strap apple watch

For people with autoimmune diseases, whose bodies already struggle with inflammation and energy regulation, the effects of Daylight Savings can be even more pronounced.

The earlier sunset means less exposure to natural light, which can impact melatonin production—making it harder to wake up and stay energized throughout the day.

The Ripple Effect of Sleep on Overall Health

Getting good sleep is about more than just feeling rested. It impacts various areas of your health, including:

  • Mood regulation: Poor sleep can lead to irritability, anxiety, and even depression.
  • Appetite control: Sleep is key in producing hormones that regulate hunger. A lack of sleep can lead to increased cravings for unhealthy foods.
  • Cognitive function: Sleep is essential for memory, concentration, and mental clarity.

The Autoimmune Association reports that 99% of people with autoimmune diseases say that fatigue impacts their quality of life, with 92% indicating it affects their family relationships and 89% noting it has affected their careers.

Addressing sleep issues can help mitigate some of these impacts, making autoimmune flare-ups slightly less frustrating.

Rest vs. Sleep: Why Both Are Essential

While sleep is essential for physical recovery, rest is equally important for managing fatigue.

Unlike sleep, rest can be achieved through activities like meditating, reading, or simply lying down without the pressure of falling asleep.

Although sleep and rest serve different purposes, they are crucial for managing autoimmune symptoms.

For those with autoimmune conditions, aiming for 7 to 9 hours of sleep is recommended, though some people may need more rest due to their body’s need for repair.

6 Simple Strategies for Better Sleep

We’ve got some super easy tricks up our sleeve to help you catch those quality winks without turning your bedtime routine upside down:

  1. ☀️ Soak up that morning sunshine: Start your day with a dose of natural light to kickstart your body clock and tell your brain it’s time to rise and shine!
  2. 🍗 Power up with protein at dinner: A yummy protein-packed meal can help your body whip up some sleep-friendly hormones. Sweet dreams, indeed!
  3. 🏃‍♀️ Get your body moving: A little daily exercise goes a long way in helping you snooze better at night. Find something fun that gets you grooving!
  4. 🧘‍♀️ Chill out with some mindfulness: Ever tried Yoga Nidra? It’s like a mini vacation for your mind and can work wonders for your sleep. Give it a whirl!
  5. 🕰️ Stick to your sleep schedule: Your body loves routine! Try to hit the hay and wake up at the same time every day. Your inner clock will thank you!
  6. ⏰ Follow the 10-3-2-1-0 Rule (it’s easier than it sounds, promise!):
    • 10 hours before bed: ☕ Time to say bye-bye to caffeine.
    • 3 hours before bed: 🍽️ Wrap up your last meal of the day.
    • 2 hours before bed: 💼 Put work to bed before you hit the hay.
    • 1 hour before bed: 📱 Give those screens a rest. Your eyes will love you for it!
    • 0 snooze button presses: ⏰ Pop that alarm across the room. Future you will be grateful!

4 Quick Tips to Optimize Your Sleep Environment

Let’s level up our bedroom for some sweet dreams! Here’s how to make your sleep space extra cozy:

  1. 🌙 Lights out, baby! Even a tiny bit of light can mess with your sleep vibes, so aim for pitch-black darkness. Try 100% light blocking, zero-pressure sleep mask and blackout curtains
  2. ❄️ Keep it cool: Crank that thermostat down to a chilly 60-65°F. It’s the perfect temp for deep zzz’s.
  3. 🛏️ Comfy central: Treat yourself to a weighted blanket or upgrade your mattress and pillows. Your body will thank you!
  4. 🎵 Soothing sounds and smells: Try a white noise machine or ear plugs for noise reduction, or some lavender pillow spray to help you unwind.

Wrapping It Up: Your Blueprint for Better Sleep

As fall unfolds and the effects of Daylight Savings Time set in, managing fatigue can feel like an uphill battle.

But with a few mindful adjustments to your sleep routine and environment, you can take control of your energy levels and feel more like yourself.

Explore Our Community’s Favorite Sleep & Rest Resources!

Struggling to Focus? Binaural Beats Might Be Your Next Go-To to Stop Distraction

Struggling to Focus? Binaural Beats Might Be Your Next Go-To to Stop Distraction

Karin W

October 2, 2024

Turn Up the Binaural Beats, Turn Down Brain Fog: A Focus Game-Changer

A young Black male wearing headphones, standing and looking intently at a computer screen, using binaural beats to enhance focus and concentration. The image illustrates how sound therapy can help improve mental clarity and productivity, featured in a blog post on the Invigorate Your Journey Blog.

Learn How Binaural Beats Can Crush Distractions

If you’ve been dealing with autoimmune issues, this might sound all too familiar.

Enter: binaural beats and isochronic tones—your potential new best friends for amping up focus and creativity.

Let’s break it down and see how these soundwaves might give your brain the boost it needs!

What the Heck Are Binaural Beats?

Imagine this: you pop on your headphones, and each ear hears a slightly different frequency.

Your brain says, “Hold up, something’s weird here,” and starts working to sync these two sounds.

This magical mix creates something called a binaural beat—a subtle sound that can potentially influence your brainwaves, helping you shift into a more focused or creative headspace.

Sounds wild, right? It’s not just woo-woo stuff. Dr. Gerald Oster first looked into this back in the 70s, showing that binaural beats actually do some cool things to your brain. Pretty mind-blowing stuff!

Meet Your Brainwaves: The Real Game Changers

Let’s get nerdy for a sec. Your brain operates on different frequencies, which influence your mood and focus levels:

  • Delta (0.5-3 Hz): Deep sleep, healing vibes.
  • Theta (3-8 Hz): Dreamy, creative mode.
  • Alpha (8-12 Hz): Relaxed but alert—great for chilling.
  • Beta (12-38 Hz): Focused and alert, like when you’re in the zone.
  • Gamma (38-100 Hz): Peak concentration, big brain energy!

The idea behind binaural beats and isochronic tones (more on those later) is to tap into these brainwave states to get your mind working the way you want it to. Want more focus? Try Beta waves. Need a creativity boost? Theta’s your jam.

How Binaural Beats Can Help Your Autoimmune Journey

If you’re managing autoimmune challenges, stress and brain fog can be relentless. Here’s where binaural beats might save the day. While science is still catching up, some research shows that binaural beats can help with:

  • Less anxiety: Who doesn’t want less stress in their life?
  • Better focus: Perfect for powering through work, study, or even fun hobbies.
  • Boosting creativity: Great for when you need fresh ideas but feel stuck.
  • Improved relaxation: Finding calm in the chaos can work wonders for your health.

Think of it as a mental upgrade that may make dealing with those autoimmune flare-ups slightly less frustrating.

A woman wearing headphones, immersed in listening to binaural beats for focus. She appears calm and focused, highlighting the benefits of sound therapy for concentration and mental clarity. The image is featured in a blog post on the Invigorate Your Journey Blog.

40 Hz Binaural Beats for Focus and Concentration

No need to get fancy or technical to dive in!

How to Get Started with Binaural Beats:

🎧 Headphones = Power-Up: Slip on your headphones to catch every beat and vibe with those brain-boosting 40 Hz gamma waves!

💡 Relax & Sync: Chill out as the beats tune your brain, guiding you into a focused, productive state.

🕰️ 30-Minute Magic: Try listening for at least 30 minutes to let those gamma waves work their focus-enhancing magic.

🔄 Experiment & Play: Play around with volume, times of day, and settings to discover what works best for you!

🎵Find your sound: There are tons of free apps and YouTube channels offering binaural beats for everything from studying to sleeping. Check out our Focus Music Playlist on YouTube!

Headphones Not Required for Isochronic Tones: The One-Tone Wonder

You don’t always need headphones to vibe with sound frequencies. Enter isochronic tones, another form of brainwave entrainment, but work by using evenly spaced beats or tones that sync your brain without needing two different frequencies.

Some people swear that isochronic tones are even more effective than binaural beats. It’s worth experimenting with both to see which one clicks with your brain better.

Heads-Up: Not a Magic Cure – like most things! 😉

Okay, so here’s the deal: binaural beats and isochronic tones aren’t miracle cures. They can’t replace actual medical treatments or therapies, especially for autoimmune conditions.

And since everyone’s brain is different, they might not work the same for everyone. But they’re a cool tool to try, especially if you’re looking for new ways to manage brain fog or stress.

If you have serious health conditions, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before trying new wellness trends, even ones that seem harmless, like sound therapy.

Spring Forward: Breaking Free from the Comfort Crisis with Autoimmune Disease

Spring Forward: Breaking Free from the Comfort Crisis with Autoimmune Disease

Karin W

March 13, 2024

Embrace the fresh start of spring by overcoming the modern comfort crisis.

This guide offers practical steps to enhance physical and mental well-being.

Understanding the Comfort Crisis

The term “comfort crisis” captures a modern phenomenon where technological advancements and societal shifts have drastically curtailed physical activity while amplifying mental health challenges.

With everything from Amazon deliveries to DoorDash at our fingertips, we’ve entered an era of convenience that, paradoxically, contributes to numerous health concerns.

This discussion unfolds the layers of the comfort crisis, revealing its impact on our daily lives and well-being and how we overcome these modern-day challenges.

1. The Fabric of the Comfort Crisis

Endless Scrolling

The digital age has ushered in an era of endless scrolling, with teenagers dedicating an average of 8 hours and 39 minutes daily to their phones.

This constant engagement with screens not only detracts from physical activity but also impacts mental health.

The allure of social media and the endless cycle of notifications have created a virtual environment that’s hard to escape.

This digital entrapment leads to reduced sleep quality, increased anxiety, and a sense of isolation, despite the illusion of connectivity.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Modern lifestyles have become increasingly sedentary, with the average individual spending 6.5 to 8 hours sitting daily.

This level of inactivity can negate the benefits of regular exercise and contribute to health issues such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

The comfort of modern office jobs and home entertainment options keeps us glued to our seats, undermining our health.

Indoor Confinement

Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors, translating to approximately 21.6 hours daily.

Such limited exposure to the natural environment can harm physical and mental health.

Lack of sunlight leads to vitamin D deficiency, crucial for bone health and immune function.

Moreover, indoor air quality can be significantly worse than outdoor air, contributing to respiratory problems and allergies.

Processed Food Consumption

The average American diet heavily relies on ultra-processed foods, constituting nearly 60% of food intake.

This shift towards convenience foods has implications for nutritional health, contributing to the epidemic of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

The high sugar, fat, and salt content in these foods can lead to addiction-like eating behaviors, further exacerbating health problems.

Loneliness Epidemic

Despite the digital era’s promise of connectedness, meaningful social interactions are declining. This trend is contributing to a loneliness epidemic with far-reaching implications for mental and physical health.

Loneliness has been linked to a range of health issues, including depression, anxiety, heart disease, and a weakened immune system.

The paradox of being “connected” yet feeling isolated highlights the complexity of the comfort crisis.

Springtime: A Season for Renewal

With spring symbolizing new beginnings, it’s the perfect opportunity to address and counteract the habits fostered by the comfort crisis.

The renewal of nature inspires us to reflect on our lifestyles and make changes that foster health and happiness.

This season encourages us to shed the layers of comfort that have held us back and embrace activities that reconnect us with the physical world and our communities.

Strategies to Overcome the Comfort Crisis

Digital Detox

Implementing digital detox methods, such as setting phone limits and using grayscale, can significantly reduce screen time and its associated drawbacks.

We aim to reclaim our time and attention from the digital world, fostering real-life connections and experiences.

Digital detoxing isn’t about eliminating technology but finding a healthier balance that allows mindfulness and presence in our daily lives.

Movement and Physical Activity

Engaging in physically demanding hobbies, incorporating movement into daily routines, and exploring the benefits of cold exposure can enhance physical and mental well-being.

Whether it’s taking up hiking, gardening, or simply adding a daily walk, physical activity is vital for maintaining health.

Movement improves physical fitness and boosts mood and mental clarity, making it a key component in overcoming the comfort crisis.

Volunteering and Community Engagement

Participating in community activities can fulfill a need for purpose and connection that digital interactions often fail to provide.

Volunteering offers a sense of belonging and contribution, improves mental health, and fosters a supportive network.

Engaging with your community can help combat the loneliness epidemic, providing meaningful interactions that enrich our lives.

Travel and Exploration

Exploring new environments encourages adaptability and fosters a greater appreciation for one’s circumstances.

Travel doesn’t have to mean going far; local adventures can offer fresh perspectives and experiences.

Exploring new places challenges our comfort zones, promoting growth and resilience.

Implementing Change: Setting Intentions and Goals

Setting clear goals and intentions is crucial for motivation and performance. This section shares practical advice on goal-setting and habit formation from personal examples.

Establishing specific, achievable goals creates a roadmap for change, guiding our efforts and keeping us accountable.

Reflecting on our intentions helps align our actions with our values, ensuring that our efforts lead to meaningful outcomes.

3 Tips for Forming New Habits

Understanding the role of habit in our behaviors is key to making lasting changes.

Strategies include finding new rewards, increasing the effort required for old habits, and creating physical and mental distance from temptations.

Replacing old habits with new, beneficial ones requires intentionality and perseverance.

By making new behaviors more rewarding and old habits less accessible, we can gradually shift our daily routines toward healthier patterns.

Embracing a Healthier Spring

As we step into spring, the challenge of the comfort crisis presents an opportunity for growth and improvement.

By adopting mindful practices and setting intentional goals, we can navigate this season of renewal by focusing on enhancing our physical and mental well-being.

Let’s embrace the change, stepping forward into a spring that rejuvenates, inspires, and transforms us.


  • What is the comfort crisis?
    • The comfort crisis refers to the modern phenomenon of decreased physical activity and increased mental health challenges due to technological and societal advancements.
  • How can digital detox help combat the comfort crisis?
    • A digital detox can reduce screen time, foster real-life connections and experiences, and help restore the balance between the digital and physical worlds.
  • What are some effective ways to incorporate more movement into my daily routine?
    • Incorporating physical activities like walking, gardening, or using a standing desk can enhance movement in daily life.
  • How does volunteering contribute to overcoming the comfort crisis?
    • Volunteering provides a sense of purpose and community engagement, combating loneliness and fostering meaningful interactions.
  • Can setting intentions and goals improve my well-being?
    • Setting intentions and goals aligns actions with values, providing direction and motivation for personal growth and well-being.
  • What are some tips for successfully forming new, healthier habits?
    • To form new habits, focus on rewarding new behaviors, increasing the effort required for old habits, and creating distance from temptations.

Listen to co-host Chris Burton and Invigorate Founder Karin Wagner discuss the Comfort Crisis and solutions on the Invigorate Your Autoimmune Journey Podcast.

The Liquid Lifeline: Why Hydration is a Game-Changer for Autoimmune Warriors

The Liquid Lifeline: Why Hydration is a Game-Changer for Autoimmune Warriors

Karin W

March 5, 2024

The Liquid Lifeline: Why Hydration is a Game-Changer for Autoimmune Warriors

One ally often flies under the radar in the quest for wellness, yet its importance cannot be overstated—especially for those battling autoimmune diseases.

Yes, we’re talking about water! That humble, life-sustaining liquid that covers most of our planet and makes up about 60% of the adult human body.

But why is hydration particularly crucial for individuals with autoimmune conditions?

Let’s dive into a refreshing exploration of the reasons backed by scientific insights.

1. Fortifying Our Immune System’s Frontline

First things first, water is the unsung hero of the immune system. Imagine it as the transport system for your immune cells, with lymph being the highways and water ensuring the roads are well-maintained.

This fluid journey enables white blood cells and other defenders to travel throughout the body, safeguarding against autoimmune reactions.

According to Popkin, D’Anci, and Rosenberg (2010), staying adequately hydrated is essential for this system to function at its best, helping your body’s natural defenses to stay alert and active.

2. Quelling the Fires of Inflammation

Man holding painful joints in fingers and hands

Many autoimmune warriors are all too familiar with inflammation’s burning grip. Here’s where hydration enters as the cool, calming force.

Drinking enough water helps flush out toxins and waste products that fan the flames of inflammation, potentially easing symptoms and reducing flare-ups.

Research by Jéquier and Constant (2010) underscores water’s role as a crucial nutrient in managing inflammation, highlighting its importance in the daily battle against autoimmune diseases.

3. Easing Movement, Enhancing Life

Water is also vital for tissue health; it’s like oil for the creaky joints and stiff tissues often experienced by those with autoimmune conditions.

Proper hydration ensures that joints and tissues are well-lubricated, easing pain and improving mobility.

Ferreira-Pêgo et al. (2015) have shown that staying hydrated is key to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with autoimmune diseases, making every step smoother and every movement less daunting.

4. Supporting the Body’s Detox Team

Our kidneys are the unsung heroes in the battle against toxins, and they need water to perform their filtering feats.

Adequate hydration aids in the detoxification process, a critical task for those with autoimmune diseases whose bodies may be more prone to accumulating harmful substances.

Kleiner (1999) points out the indispensable role of water in supporting kidney function and promoting waste elimination.

5. Keeping the Digestive Peace

Last but not least, water plays a pivotal role in digestive health. For many autoimmune warriors, gastrointestinal issues are a common adversary.

Water aids in breaking down fats and fiber, making the digestive process smoother and helping to prevent constipation, a frequent side effect of certain autoimmune treatments.

Palma and Guglielmetti (2019) highlight the importance of hydration in maintaining digestive health and mitigating autoimmune symptoms.

9 Practical Tips to Increase Our Water Intake:

  1. Carry a Water Bottle: Keeping a reusable water bottle with you always makes it easier to drink water throughout the day, wherever you are. Community Favorite: Motivation Water Bottle
  2. Set Reminders: Use your phone or smartwatch to set reminders to drink water regularly.
  3. Flavor Your Water: If you find plain water boring, add a splash of flavor with slices of fruits like lemon, lime, cucumber, or herbs like mint.
    lemon water
  4. Drink Before Meals: Having a glass of water before each meal helps with hydration and can aid digestion and prevent overeating.
  5. Eat Water-Rich Foods: Incorporate fruits and vegetables with high water content into your diet, such as watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and strawberries.
  6. Use a Straw: Some people drink more water more quickly when using a straw.
  7. Track Your Intake: Use an app or a chart to keep track of how much water you drink each day to ensure you meet your hydration goals. Community Favorite: Smart Water Bottle
  8. Start and End Your Day with Water: Make it a habit to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up and before you go to bed.
  9. Opt for Water: Choose water over sugary drinks or alcohol, especially during meals or when thirsty.

A Note of Caution

While the benefits of hydration are clear, it’s essential to remember that water needs can vary greatly from one individual to another.

Factors like body weight, activity level, and specific health conditions significantly determine how much water you should drink.

Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice tailored to your unique situation.

Dive Deeper

Resources like PubMed and Google Scholar are treasure troves of information for those interested in exploring the scientific underpinnings of these insights.

The studies mentioned provide a strong foundation for understanding how hydration can be a powerful ally in managing autoimmune diseases.

In closing, the path to managing autoimmune conditions is multifaceted, but ensuring adequate hydration is a simple yet powerful step everyone can take. So, here’s to filling up your glass and toasting to better health and vitality!

Embarking on a journey towards better health can sometimes feel like navigating through a dense forest. In its simplicity and purity, water can be a cornerstone to improved well-being for those facing autoimmune challenges. Stay hydrated, stay healthy!

Drink up and dance on autoimmune warriors!



  • Popkin, B. M., D’Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H. (2010). Water, Hydration and Health.
  • Jéquier, E., & Constant, F. (2010). Water as an essential nutrient: the physiological basis of hydration.
  • Ferreira-Pêgo, C., Guelinckx, I., Moreno, L. A., et al. (2015). Total Fluid Intake and its Determinants: Cross-Sectional Surveys among Adults in 13 Countries Worldwide.
  • Kleiner, S. M. (1999). Water: an essential but overlooked nutrient.
  • Palma, S., & Guglielmetti, S. (2019). The role of diet and nutritional supplements in preventing and treating autoimmune diseases.

The Ultimate Guide for Thriving as an Autoimmune Warrior: Embracing the Spring of Renewal

The Ultimate Guide for Thriving as an Autoimmune Warrior: Embracing the Spring of Renewal

Karin W

January 17, 2024

A Season of Renewal for Autoimmune Warriors

As the vibrant season of March unfolds, bringing longer days and the fresh promise of spring, it’s time to shift our focus from fleeting New Year resolutions to the pursuit of meaningful, enjoyable goals and habits.

This is especially crucial for those of us navigating the complexities of autoimmune diseases.

The Essence of Goal Setting: Beyond the Checklist

The Power of Goals: Goals aren’t merely tasks to check off a list; they are the blueprint for our desired future, offering a sense of purpose and excitement. They guide us toward the person we aspire to be, acting as a compass in a world of distractions and challenges.

The Science of Goal-Setting: Research underscores the significance of clear, well-defined goals in enhancing mental health and fostering life satisfaction. By setting goals, we give ourselves a target, a reason to push forward even when the journey gets tough.

Emotional Resonance: The Heartbeat of Our Goals

Adding Emotion to SMART Goals: While SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) provide a solid framework, they often lack emotional depth. To commit to our goals, they must resonate with us emotionally, inspiring action and dedication.

The Wisdom of Emotions: Drawing from the teachings of Buddha and insights from Brett Blumenthal’s “52 Small Changes for the Mind,” we learn that emotions are the fuel for our actions. Goals that excite and motivate us are the ones we’re more likely to pursue with vigor.

The Spring Reset: A Time for New Beginnings

Embracing the Season of Growth: March offers a natural opportunity for a fresh start, encouraging us to shed old habits and embrace new, healthier ones.

This season of renewal invites us to redefine our identities and goals, stepping into a version of ourselves that aligns with our aspirations.

The Liberation of Change: Transitioning to new habits can be daunting but essential for growth. This spring, let’s challenge ourselves to cross the line into new territories, embracing the discomfort of change as a pathway to transformation.

Failure: The Foundation of Resilience

Redefining Failure: Failure is often seen as a setback in a culture obsessed with success. However, for autoimmune warriors, failure is a stepping stone to resilience, teaching us valuable lessons and strengthening our ability to bounce back.

The Role of Resilience: Studies on resilience in chronic illness highlight its importance in coping with health challenges. We cultivate the resilience to face any obstacle by embracing and learning from our failures.

Marching Forward: Setting Resonant Goals

As we welcome the spring season, let’s embrace the opportunity to set goals that truly matter to us.

It’s about envisioning a future that excites us, where every step forward is a step toward becoming the incredible individuals we’re destined to be.

Let’s celebrate this season of growth, joy, and resilience, armed with the knowledge that we can overcome any challenge.

Dance on, Autoimmune Warriors,


  • Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2002). Building a practical theory of goal setting and task motivation: A 35-year odyssey. American Psychologist, 57(9), 705–717.
  • Richardson, G. E. (2002). The metatheory of resilience and resiliency. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58(3), 307–321.
  • Blumenthal, B. (2015). 52 Small Changes for the Mind. Chronicle Books.

15 Life Lessons from 15 Years Living with Lupus

15 Life Lessons from 15 Years Living with Lupus

Karin W

November 9, 2023

It’s been 15 years since I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), which primarily manifested itself with debilitating arthritis and organ complications. My path has been challenging (sometimes at my own doing ;-), but it’s been incredibly fulfilling once I embraced my journey with an autoimmune disease. 

I’ve gone through periods where I took my medication but flat-out ignored self-care and ruthlessly pushed through an overcommitted schedule. I sent emails from my hospital bed post-total-knee-replacement surgery. Not smart. That only works for so long before illness catches up with you. And mine certainly did. 

Thank God. 

Lupus has changed my life, and I’m grateful to be able to share the information and insights I’ve learned over the past 15 years, which have helped me navigate the challenges of living with Lupus and transformed my life profoundly. While they may not all resonate with you now, I encourage you to stay curious. My life changed when I got curious.

1. Have Faith.

I got a text from a friend to go on a ski trip. I declined because I was hooked up to an IV in the ICU, receiving blood thinners to dissipate the extensive blood clots in my lungs. 

At 23 years old, I felt like the world was passing me by as I stared out my hospital window, losing hope that I would not get to participate in life the way I envisioned. The stark contrast between my friends’ vibrant adventures and my hospital view left me feeling robbed of the life I had anticipated.

I want to say it was in that hospital room I leaned into my faith, but instead, I pulled away, grappling with the unfairness of my situation. However, my persistence shone through as I clung to positivity, celebrated small victories, and embraced gratitude. This persistence birthed profound thankfulness for the present moment and a renewed hope for the future.

Hindsight gifted me the realization of my sheer fortune to be alive, a perspective I had lost in the throes of despair. Whether you find solace in God, the universe, or another form of faith, opening yourself to its abundance becomes a beacon in the darkest hours. 

It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, forging hope from adversity and discovering that, even in the hospital’s quiet, the pulse of life beats with profound gratitude and unwavering hope.

2. Get Clear on Your Purpose and Values.

Your purpose, or life’s mission, is your North Star. This guiding light helps you align your priorities with your evolving life circumstances. Your values act as guardrails, ensuring you stay on the right path even when life throws you off course. 

When you’re faced with an autoimmune disease like Lupus, it can be easy to feel lost or overwhelmed by the weight of an intense chronic illness. That’s precisely why we need to get clear on our purpose. Purpose provides resilience. 

Your North Star and values provide the resilience you need to keep moving forward. It’s not always straightforward; sometimes, these diseases can be downright brutal, but having a clear sense of purpose and values can help you find beauty and love even in the most challenging moments.

3. Get Thanking.

Expressing gratitude for the abundance in our lives is a gesture of appreciation and a powerful catalyst for personal growth. It is through this act of thankfulness that we find our true purpose. 

When we concentrate on our journey’s “why” and “who,” we transition into profound gratitude; it’s a reminder that our pursuit of becoming the best version of ourselves is closely intertwined with the people who support and inspire us. 

Gratitude fuels our desire to give back, and we find fulfillment most rewarding in serving others. It’s a beautiful cycle of self-improvement and selflessness that enriches our lives and those around us.

Fun Fact: When we practice gratitude, our bodies make immunoglobulins – our natural defense against viruses and bacteria – and our immune systems strengthen along with other health benefits!2

4. Self-Respect is Vital.

Early on in my autoimmune journey, my priorities were out of order. I was focusing on too many things, and because I was stretched too thin, I wasn’t being my best self at any of it, especially for my family. Naturally, insecurities, self-doubt, and guilt plagued my thoughts. 

Thankfully, my close friends and mentors supported me through those dark times of self-doubt. Find people who will see the best in you, even when you can’t see it yourself. 

But ultimately, it has to come from within. Restructuring my life to align with my values gave me the space to stand up for my family in a way I previously didn’t realize was possible with an autoimmune disease.

The values allowed me to cut out the chaos and be hyper-intentional about where and how I spend my time. When I structured my day and created routines aligned with my values, self-confidence and self-respect followed.

Knowing I’m striving daily to live by my values provides self-worth and love for myself and those around me. Journaling about my accomplishments has trained my brain to focus on the value I’m providing vs. the endless tasks I didn’t get to on my to-do list. 

If you’re struggling with self-doubt, go back to lesson one 🙂 

5. Failure is the Essential Ingredient for Growth.

In our success-driven culture, failure is often viewed as a stumbling block, a setback, or something to be avoided at all costs. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Failure is not a sign of weakness or incompetence but an essential ingredient for growth and personal development. 

This is especially true when living with a chronic illness inherently involves facing adversity. Flare-ups, pain, and unpredictable symptoms can be disheartening and discouraging. Yet, it’s in these moments of struggle that resilience is forged. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, a quality that can be cultivated through experiencing and overcoming failure.

Failure is a potent teacher. Trying something that doesn’t work out as planned is an opportunity to gain new insights and knowledge. This newfound understanding can lead to more informed decisions and strategies for the future. In the realm of chronic illness, learning from failure can be life-changing.

For example, suppose you’ve experimented with a particular dietary approach to manage Lupus or another autoimmune disease, and it didn’t yield the expected results. In that case, it doesn’t mean the effort was in vain. It means you now have valuable information about what doesn’t work for you. This knowledge can guide you towards more effective solutions and a better understanding of your own body.

Failure tests your mettle and pushes you beyond your comfort zone. It forces you to adapt, learn, and persevere. In the context of autoimmune disease, a failed attempt at managing your symptoms or a setback in your treatment plan can be seen as an opportunity to learn about yourself, refine, and go again. Setbacks allow you to develop the resilience needed to face future challenges. Each failure is not a stumbling block but a stepping stone.

6. Orchestrate Your Life to Create a Symphony.

The saying, “If you don’t make time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness,” resonates strongly with my journey. Like many, I was stubborn and pushed through the pain and fatigue.

It took a hospital stay for me to reevaluate my lifestyle and learn about epigenetics (definition), which taught me that we have more control over our health than we previously thought. Prioritizing wellness is an investment in your future well-being.

Wellness isn’t just about physical health; it’s about holistic well-being. For instance, getting enough sleep does more than give you more energy; adequate sleep (7-8 hours) can:

  • Boost your immune system and make vaccines more effective
  • Help prevent weight gain by repressing cravings and appetite 
  • Strengthen your heart
  • Elevate your mood and reduce feelings of annoyance, irritant, and anger 
  • Improves memory – how about that for brain fog!4

It’s more than just getting enough sleep or eating the right foods. Those actions that seem to have a singular effect on our health contribute to other aspects of our health. 

conductor conducting and orchestra

While we tend to look at these health aspects in silos, it’s essential to consider a holistic approach. Practice each instrument, learn how their sounds interact, refine until we have music, and optimize until we have a symphony.

When you hear an off-tune sound, revisit the instrument. We’re continuously evolving; staying in tune is critical to creating beautiful music.

7. Stand Up Every Day: Persistence and Patience.

With autoimmune challenges, standing up every day transcends the physical act. Standing might be symbolic sometimes, finding alternative ways to engage with life and work towards your goals. 

On days when physical limitations prevail, it’s a moment for gentle stretching or immersing yourself in an informative podcast.

Regardless of its form, this daily commitment becomes a testament to persistence and patience. It’s a declaration that you actively participate in your journey, no matter the circumstances. 

By remaining engaged amidst autoimmune challenges, we anchor ourselves to our purpose and values, shielding ourselves against the encroaching shadows of hopelessness. Standing up embodies resilience in whatever manifestation is feasible on a given day.

Persisting and persevering through the unpredictability of autoimmune conditions is a marathon, not a sprint. We may not discern the tipping point where the tides turn, but the unwavering faith in its existence fuels the patience and fortitude needed to stand up every day. 

No matter how small, each act propels us forward, reaffirming the journey is not just about reaching the destination but about the strength found in the daily steps and who we become in the process.

8. Making the Hard Choice Now Makes Life Easier for Your Future Self.

Making challenging choices today is an investment in a smoother, more fulfilling future. Whether it’s battling the allure of sugar, the endless scroll of social media, or the captivating abyss of Netflix, our vices can exert a powerful pull.

These distractions not only hinder productivity but can also derail our overall well-being. 

Establishing routines and systems as a barrier against these temptations becomes crucial. Doing so reduces decision fatigue and creates an environment conducive to healthier choices. 

It’s about recognizing that hard choices pave the way for a future where well-being is prioritized and distractions lose their grip. Implementing these structures is a form of self-care that echoes through time, making the journey toward a healthier and more focused self an achievable and sustainable endeavor.

To learn more about setting yourself up for success, see the post: How to Turn Bad Habits into Healthy Habits by Addressing 6 Sources that Influence Our Behavior

9. Have Empathy for Your Supporters.  

The impact of autoimmune diseases ripples through the lives of those around us, touching family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Often, they bear the weight of these diseases with a unique kind of strength.

While we navigate the challenges firsthand, they find themselves on the sidelines, offering support and encouragement but feeling powerless. Living with an autoimmune condition becomes a shared journey, a test of patience not just for us but for our steadfast supporters as well.

Transparency about our diseases becomes a bridge, helping them comprehend our situations and offer more meaningful support.

To the friends and loved ones supporting individuals navigating autoimmune diseases like Lupus, your unwavering support, prayers, and positive vibes are like a lifeline, lifting us more than you may realize.

Your understanding is a source of strength, and your presence on this journey is profoundly appreciated. Thank you for standing by us, making the burden a little lighter, and being an integral part of our resilience.

10. Take Heat.  

Taking heat and holding oneself accountable can be an uncomfortable journey, especially when faced with the blush of embarrassment. The instinct to retreat or hide is powerful, but it is precisely in these moments that growth and a life of integrity are forged. Accountability is the crucible in which our character is shaped, and while the path may be challenging, it is essential for personal development.

In the allegorical tale of YOU GOT THIS, KID! Leadership Advice for Young Leaders,3 the armadillo, Alex, symbolizes resilience with thick skin. This metaphorical armor is developed by understanding what truly matters.

When faced with challenges outside our comfort zone, revisiting our intentions and values becomes the wellspring of courage. For me, grappling with autoimmune disease has fortified my mission and strengthened my values, serving as a steadfast reminder that my purpose lies in serving and aiding others through unwavering integrity.

Family, the cornerstone of my support system, anchors me to what truly matters. Their presence reinforces my commitment to living a life aligned with my mission and values. It’s a challenging yet profoundly rewarding journey that fuels personal growth and ensures that the heat we face refines us rather than scalds us.

11. T.I.M.E. – Today Is My Everything1.  

In the intricate tapestry of time, the present moment stands as the most precious thread—undeniably significant and profoundly impactful. Today is not just a day; it’s an embodiment of opportunities. T.I.M.E. is a poignant reminder to do everything with Intention, Mindfulness, and Engagement.

The past, a repository of memories, is unalterable. What lingers are the moments that stir our emotions, be it joy or sorrow. Meanwhile, the future remains a vast expanse of uncertainty, where studies suggest that a staggering 90% of our thoughts and worries never materialize5. By anchoring ourselves in the present, we liberate our minds from the shackles of an unpredictable future, allowing us to savor the beauty of the now.

I can do whatever I want today

This singular moment is our only guarantee—a canvas waiting for our purposeful strokes. Are we taking positive actions or succumbing to habits that might hinder our future selves?

Every positive step, like engaging with this post to learn about living with autoimmune diseases, is a stride toward progress. Focusing on the present provides the clarity and space to live intentionally, ensuring that each choice contributes to a purposeful and fulfilling journey.

12. Turn Off the Noise.  

The constant barrage of stimuli. The digital age has given us unprecedented access to information and connectivity but has also brought a relentless wave of noise into our lives. From the moment we wake up to when we go to bed, we’re bombarded with news updates, social media notifications, emails, television programs, and a never-ending music playlist.

While it may seem like we’re in control of this digital cacophony, the truth is that it often controls us. We find ourselves tethered to our devices, compulsively checking for updates, and perpetually distracted. This constant state of sensory overload can have detrimental effects on our mental and emotional well-being. For those of us living with chronic illnesses like Lupus, it can exacerbate stress and symptoms.

That’s where the concept of “turning off the noise” becomes not just a luxury but a necessity. Taking deliberate moments to disconnect from the chaos of the modern world can be incredibly healing, restorative, and therapeutic.

13. One Step at a Time.  

When you’re living with a chronic illness, the journey ahead can feel daunting. Managing symptoms, making lifestyle adjustments, and coping with the emotional toll can make the road seem endless. At this point, the wisdom of taking one step at a time becomes invaluable. Breaking your journey down into manageable steps is not just a strategy; it’s a lifeline that can help you navigate the turbulent waters of chronic illness.

Life is full of complexities, and chronic illness introduces a unique set of challenges. However, approaching it one step at a time allows you to gain control and perspective over your situation. Understand that progress is progress, no matter how small it may seem. The incremental changes you make today can add up to substantial transformation over time.


Celebrate the daily victories, whether adhering to your medication regimen, practicing self-care, or simply getting out of bed on a difficult day. Remember, taking one step at a time doesn’t just apply to your physical health; it’s equally relevant to your mental and emotional well-being. 

Dealing with a chronic condition can be emotionally taxing, and it’s crucial to address your mental health with the same measured approach. Seek support when needed, whether through therapy, support groups, or talking to trusted friends and family. Every step you take to prioritize your emotional health is a significant stride toward overall well-being.

Ultimately, the path to wellness, especially when living with autoimmune disease, is not a sprint but a marathon. It’s a continuous journey with its ups and downs. Embrace this long-term perspective and the practice of taking one step at a time. It allows you to build resilience, develop a deeper understanding of your condition, and live a meaningful life at a pace that suits your unique needs.

14. Continuous Learning Fuels the Soul.  

In the ever-evolving landscape of life, the key to staying vibrant and relevant is embracing continuous learning and nurturing an insatiable curiosity. The world is a vast repository of knowledge, and constant learning is a dynamic dance with the ever-expanding boundaries of information. It’s a commitment to growth transcending age, circumstance, and experience.

To stay curious is to cultivate a mindset that sees every encounter as an opportunity to glean insights and broaden perspectives. The fuel propels us to ask questions, seek understanding, and approach challenges with a zest for discovery. 

In a world where change is the only constant, those who embrace continuous learning and stay curious are the ones who not only navigate the currents of transformation but thrive in its embrace.

15. Gumption: Keep Doing the Hard Things.

Gumption is the compass that steers us through the stormy seas of life, urging us to persist and persevere even when the path ahead seems arduous and uncertain. In pursuing our dreams, embracing the hard things is crucial, even when they appear messy or impossible. Your North Star, that unwavering guide within, continues to shine, casting its light through the challenges that may unfold.

The journey toward your aspirations may not always unfold in a neat, linear trajectory; it’s an intricate tapestry woven with threads of hope and potential. As you navigate the twists and turns, remember that the path’s difficulty doesn’t diminish the brilliance of your North Star. 

sign that reads, "#Remember: Fear is a reaction; courage is a decision."

It’s a reminder that the dream is worth every effort, every stumble, and every leap of faith. So, keep doing the hard things, for it is in the crucible of challenges that the true strength of your aspirations is revealed, and the journey becomes a testament to your resilience and unwavering commitment to your dreams.

Living with a chronic illness like Lupus presents unique challenges, but it also offers opportunities for growth, resilience, and transformation. Over 15 years, I’ve learned valuable lessons that have not only transformed my life but have the potential to inspire positive change in anyone facing adversity.

As you navigate your journey, whether related to chronic illness or any other challenge, remember there is always hope. Embrace the path before you, set your values, and follow your North Star; life will reward you far beyond your wildest dreams. 

Thanks for reading to the end 🙂

Dance on, friends,

In remembrance of Kevin Gerard Moder, M.D.

Your diligence, calm bedside manner, and genuine care for your patients saved my life. Thank you for selflessly serving the lupus community and being a bright light in every life you touched. I’ll forever be grateful. 

Read more about Dr. Moder (Obituary)


  1. Anti-Time Management: Reclaim Your Time and Revolutionize Your Results with the Power of Time Tipping, by Richie Norton
  2. UCDavis Health: Gratitude is good medicine.
  3. YOU GOT THIS, KID! Leadership Advice for Young Leaders, by Chuck Saia
  4. Intermountain Health: Benefits of Getting a Full Night’s Sleep
  5. National Library of Medicine: Anxious Thoughts

Navigating the Storm: Managing Joint Pain and Inflammation with Autoimmune Diseases for a Better Quality of Life

Navigating the Storm: Managing Joint Pain and Inflammation with Autoimmune Diseases for a Better Quality of Life

Karin W

October 25, 2023

Welcome back, friends! We’re glad you’re here.

I’m Karin Wagner, and I’ve been on a challenging journey with Lupus for 15 years. Throughout this time, I’ve had the privilege of meeting incredible people who have inspired me, including my Invigorate podcast co-host, the Baddest Chaplain Chris Burton. 

We have shared experiences facing various Lupus challenges and are now helping others navigate through their autoimmune journeys. 

Today, we’re talking about a common yet incredibly painful symptom of autoimmune diseases – joint pain and inflammation. For those of us living with these conditions, it’s a daily struggle that can impact every aspect of our lives. The good news is that there are ways to manage this pain and inflammation and improve our overall quality of life.

Understanding the Pain: Joint Pain in Autoimmune Diseases

Joint pain, as many of us know all too well, is a relentless companion in our journey with autoimmune diseases. Joints can swell, stiffen, and become inflamed, making even the simplest tasks feel like monumental challenges. It can affect any joint, from knees and elbows to hands and shoulders.

The pain is often excruciating, making daily life a relentless uphill battle. It’s not just physical; it’s emotionally taxing, too. But today, we want to offer hope and practical advice. We want you to know that you’re not alone, and there are strategies to help you manage this pain and regain control over your life.

The Link Between Inflammation and Joint Pain

Before we dive into those strategies, it’s crucial to understand the link between inflammation and joint pain. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection. However, in the case of autoimmune diseases, our immune system mistakenly triggers inflammation without any apparent injury or infection.

This chronic inflammation can cause damage to the joints and surrounding tissues, leading to pain and stiffness. Addressing inflammation is, therefore, key to reducing joint pain and improving overall health.

Dietary Strategies for Reducing Joint Pain

One of the most powerful tools in our arsenal for managing joint pain and inflammation is our diet. What we eat can either exacerbate or alleviate our symptoms.

In my experience, eliminating refined carbs and dairy has been a game-changer. These are often inflammatory culprits. Sugar, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats can contribute to inflammation.

On the flip side, certain foods have anti-inflammatory properties. Incorporating these into your diet can make a significant difference. Foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation. Think leafy greens, fatty fish, and berries.

Supplements for Relief

In addition to dietary changes and exercise, supplements can be a powerful ally in your battle against inflammation.

Turmeric and Ginger: Nature’s Anti-Inflammatory Duo

Turmeric is a bright orange spice, well-known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It contains an active compound called curcumin, which has been extensively studied for its potential to reduce inflammation in the body. Curcumin works by blocking specific molecules that trigger inflammation, providing relief from joint pain and stiffness.

Ginger is another natural remedy that complements turmeric beautifully. It contains gingerol, an active ingredient with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Much like turmeric, ginger can help reduce joint pain and inflammation by inhibiting the same inflammatory pathways.

Both turmeric and ginger are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. You can add them to your cooking, brew them as teas, or find them in supplement form at your local health store. However, before starting any new supplement, it’s always a good idea to consult your healthcare provider to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for your needs.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin” because our skin can produce it when exposed to sunlight. This essential nutrient is not only vital for bone health but also plays a role in reducing inflammation.

Research has shown that vitamin D can help regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of autoimmune diseases, including Lupus. Ensuring adequate vitamin D levels through a combination of safe sun exposure and supplementation can be a valuable part of your inflammation management plan.

B Vitamins: Building Blocks of Health

The B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin), are essential for various bodily functions, including immune system regulation. They can also play a role in reducing inflammation.

Supplements can be valuable to your inflammation management plan when living with autoimmune diseases. Turmeric and ginger, with their natural anti-inflammatory properties, can offer relief from joint pain and stiffness. Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, helps regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. B vitamins, the building blocks of health, have shown promise in managing autoimmune disease symptoms, including inflammation.

However, it’s crucial to remember that supplements are not a one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person may not work for another, and individual needs can vary significantly. Therefore, always consult with your healthcare provider before incorporating new supplements into your routine. They can help determine the right approach to address your unique situation and provide guidance on the most suitable supplements and dosages for you.

Exercise: The Power of Movement

When dealing with joint pain and inflammation caused by autoimmune diseases, the idea of exercise might seem counterintuitive. After all, moving when you’re in pain doesn’t sound appealing. However, regular exercise, even in the form of gentle activities like stretching and walking, can be a game-changer in your journey to manage these challenging symptoms.

Improving Joint Mobility

I can’t stress enough how essential exercise has been for me in managing my Lupus symptoms. While it might seem daunting at first, I’ve found that even gentle movements can have a significant impact on my joint mobility.

Autoimmune diseases can cause stiffness and decreased range of motion in your joints. Regular exercise helps to counteract this by increasing flexibility and promoting better joint mobility. When you incorporate movement into your daily routine, you’re essentially giving your joints a workout, which can help prevent them from becoming overly stiff and painful.

Strengthening the Muscles Around Your Joints

In addition to improving joint mobility, exercise also strengthens the muscles around your joints. These muscles act as a natural support system for your joints, helping to distribute the workload more evenly and reduce the strain on the affected joints.

It’s important to start slowly and gently, especially if you’re new to exercise or dealing with a flare-up. Begin with simple stretches and range-of-motion exercises, and gradually work your way up to more challenging routines. The goal is to find a balance between keeping your joints mobile without causing excessive pain or strain.

Building a Supportive Exercise Routine

Creating a supportive exercise routine involves a few key considerations:

1. Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Before starting any new exercise regimen, it’s important to consult your rheumatologist or healthcare provider. They can help you tailor a program to your specific needs and ensure it’s safe for your condition.

2. Find What Works for You: Not all exercises are created equal, and what works for one person may not work for another. The key is to find an activity that you enjoy and can stick with. This could be yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, or even gentle walks.

3. Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to your body’s signals. If you experience pain during or after exercise, it’s crucial to adjust your routine or consult your healthcare provider for guidance. The goal is to feel better, not worse.

4. Set Realistic Goals: Understand that your exercise routine may need to be adapted during flare-ups or on particularly challenging days. Be flexible with your goals, and remember that any movement is better than none.

5. Consistency Is Key: Consistency is essential when it comes to exercise. Even when you’re not feeling your best, doing some gentle stretching or taking a short walk can make a big difference in the long run.

Remember, your journey is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise. The most crucial step is to start. Begin with simple, gentle movements, and gradually build from there. Over time, you’ll find that exercise can become one of your most effective tools in managing joint pain and inflammation.

Managing Stress: The Mind-Body Connection

In the realm of autoimmune diseases, stress is often an unwelcome and relentless companion. It’s not just a mental burden; it can significantly worsen inflammation and pain in the body. Understanding and managing the mind-body connection is essential to regain control over your life.

The Impact of Stress on Inflammation

Stress can be a relentless presence for people with autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses. When stress levels rise, symptoms tend to intensify. It’s a shared experience among those with autoimmune diseases.

When you’re stressed, your body produces hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which are part of the “fight or flight” response. These hormones can trigger and exacerbate inflammation in the body. For those of us already dealing with chronic inflammation, this stress-induced response can be especially problematic.

Stress can also affect how we perceive pain. When we’re stressed, our pain tolerance tends to decrease, making the pain we experience feel even more intense. Finding ways to manage stress is crucial. One method that has proven incredibly helpful is meditation.

Meditation: A Calming Practice

Meditation involves focusing on a particular object, thought, or activity to train attention and awareness and achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm, and stable state.

Meditation can be a transformative practice that reduces stress and helps you become more attuned to your body. It’s about creating a mental space where you can let go of worries, fears, and anxieties, even if just for a few minutes each day.

One technique that works well for many people is called diaphragmatic breathing. It involves taking slow, deep breaths by expanding your diaphragm. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four and exhale for four. This simple practice can have a remarkable impact on your stress levels and overall well-being.

Deep Breathing: A Simple Yet Powerful Tool

Deep breathing is another fantastic technique for managing stress. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that can be done anywhere and anytime.

When you practice deep breathing, you’re essentially sending a signal to your brain that it’s time to relax. This results in a lower heart rate, reduced blood pressure, and a sense of calm and relaxation.

Therapy: Seeking Professional Guidance

In some cases, stress may become overwhelming, and it can be beneficial to seek therapy. Therapists can provide valuable support and guidance in managing stress, which, in turn, helps reduce inflammation and pain.

Therapy offers a safe space to explore your feelings and develop coping strategies. It’s not a sign of weakness but a step toward taking control of your mental and emotional well-being.

There are various therapeutic approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps change negative thought patterns, and mindfulness-based therapies that promote living in the present moment. Finding the right therapist and approach that suits you is essential.

Reclaiming Control

Autoimmune diseases, joint pain, and inflammation may be part of your journey, but they don’t have to define your life. Managing stress effectively is a critical aspect of this process. By practicing meditation, deep breathing, and seeking therapy when needed, you can reclaim control over your well-being.

Remember, the mind-body connection is a powerful one. When you address stress and its impact on inflammation, you’re not only improving your mental and emotional health but also reducing the physical burden on your body.

Practical Tips for Daily Life

Living with joint pain and inflammation can be challenging, but there are practical tactics you can incorporate to ease symptoms.

Heat and Cold Therapy: One of the most accessible and effective ways to alleviate pain is by applying heat or cold to the affected area. Consult with your doctor to determine the best method for your symptoms. Heat increases blood flow and relaxes tense muscles, while cold therapy can help numb the area and reduce swelling.

Assistive Devices: If joint pain hampers your ability to perform daily tasks, consider using assistive devices. Canes, walkers, or jar openers might not be glamorous, but they can provide much-needed support and alleviate pressure on your joints.

Taking Breaks: Taking regular breaks is crucial if your daily activities involve repetitive motions that exacerbate your pain. Rest and stretch your joints to reduce strain and prevent further inflammation.

Getting Enough Rest: Rest is essential for managing pain and inflammation. It allows your body to repair and rejuvenate. Make sure to prioritize getting enough sleep each night.

It’s important to remember that managing joint pain and inflammation is a journey unique to each individual. While these tips can provide relief, it’s essential to consult with a rheumatologist for a personalized treatment plan.

When to Seek Medical Help

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, our symptoms may intensify or interfere with our daily lives. That’s when it’s crucial to seek medical help.

Rheumatologists are vital in developing individualized treatment plans based on your condition and symptoms. They consider factors such as the severity of inflammation, joint damage, and overall health to determine the most appropriate course of action.

In some cases, your rheumatologist may refer you to other healthcare professionals, like physical therapists, occupational therapists, or pain management specialists, who can provide additional support and therapies to help manage joint pain and inflammation.

Regular monitoring and follow-up with your rheumatologist is essential. They’ll help you adjust your treatment plan as needed and guide lifestyle modifications, exercise routines, and self-care strategies, all aimed at improving your overall well-being.

Consulting with a rheumatologist for personalized advice and treatment options is crucial, but remember that staying on top of inflammation at home can also make a significant difference.

Embracing Hope and Relief

Living with an autoimmune disease, joint pain, and inflammation can significantly impact your quality of life. But with the right strategies, the proper support, and the right mindset, you can reduce pain and inflammation. You can regain control of your symptoms and live a higher quality of life.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. We understand and care. We’re here to support you, to share our experiences, and to offer hope for a brighter, pain-free tomorrow. Together, we can invigorate your journey and make every step easier. Thank you for joining us today, and we’ll be back with more soon.



Making the Most of Medical Appointments: Preparing for Your Appointment & Questions to Ask Your Care Team

Making the Most of Medical Appointments: Preparing for Your Appointment & Questions to Ask Your Care Team

Karin W

October 16, 2023

We only get a precious few minutes to give our Rheumatologists a rundown of our autoimmune disease symptoms and potential triggers, much less thoroughly discuss treatment options. Making the most of the limited time can make the difference in creating the most appropriate treatment plan for you. 

You can do a few things beforehand and during your appointments to effectively communicate with your doctor and get the care you need to live fully with an autoimmune disease. 

The best place to start is to describe your symptoms precisely. Invigorate Ambassador and Co-Host of the Invigorate Podcast, Chris Burton’s tip: Cut to the chase and give them just the facts. There’s not enough time to tell about your symptoms like you’re talking to a friend. 

In this blog, we’ll provide

  • Why and how noting and tracking symptoms can improve communication with your Rheumatologist and care team
  • 8 questions to consider when tracking and discussing your symptoms
  • 5 questions to consider asking your provider during your appointment

How to Get to the Facts: Tracking Symptoms for Better Understanding & Communication With Your Healthcare Team

When dealing with complex diseases and symptoms, recalling and accurately communicating your experiences to healthcare providers can be challenging. That’s why tracking your symptoms daily is a valuable practice that can provide you with a clearer understanding of your condition.

  1. Clearing the Fog: Symptoms of certain conditions, such as chronic pain or autoimmune diseases, can cause brain fog and make it difficult to remember specific details about how you felt in the past. By tracking your symptoms daily, you create a reliable reference point that helps overcome the challenges of memory recall.
  1. Identifying Patterns: Tracking allows you to identify patterns and triggers for your symptoms. By noting what you were doing, eating, or exposed to when symptoms occur, you may discover connections that can help pinpoint the underlying causes. This knowledge can assist your healthcare provider in developing a more targeted treatment plan.
  2. Assessing Progress: Regularly tracking your symptoms enables you to monitor changes over time. You’ll be able to observe whether your symptoms are improving, worsening, or remaining stable. This information is invaluable in evaluating the effectiveness of treatments and interventions.
  3. Facilitating Effective Communication: A documented record of your symptoms ensures clear and accurate communication with healthcare providers. You can share your tracked data during appointments, which helps your provider understand your condition comprehensively and make informed decisions about your care.

To effectively track your symptoms, consider these options:

Before you head into your appointment, review your symptoms log, make notes, and identify the key points to communicate with your provider. Consider the following questions to help you get started!

Here are 8 questions to consider when discussing your symptoms:

  1. When did the pain start? What were you doing when it started?
    Knowing the onset of your pain can provide valuable insights into its potential causes. Was it a gradual onset or sudden? Did it coincide with an injury or specific activity? Recognizing the trigger can assist your healthcare provider in determining the underlying issue.
  2. What does it feel like — sharp, dull, throbbing, achy, tender?
    Describing the quality of your pain can offer additional clues about its nature. Is it a sharp, stabbing sensation or a persistent ache? Does it throb or feel tender to the touch? Providing these details helps your healthcare provider narrow down possible diagnoses.
  3. How severe is the pain on a scale of 1 to 10?
    Quantifying the intensity of your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 helps your healthcare provider gauge the severity and assess the impact on your daily life. Being honest and specific is essential, as this information guides treatment decisions.
  4. How has it changed over the last few days or weeks?
    Tracking changes in your pain over time is crucial. Did it worsen or improve? Has it spread to other areas? Documenting these developments can aid in diagnosing the condition and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.
  5. Does anything help the pain, such as over-the-counter (OTC) pain or anti-inflammatory medication or exercise?
    Informing your healthcare provider about any measures that temporarily alleviate your pain is essential. It could be using over-the-counter pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications, or specific exercises. This insight assists in determining what approaches may be practical for managing your symptoms.
  6. How does the pain affect your daily routine?
    Understanding how pain impacts your daily activities allows your healthcare provider to comprehend the overall impact on your life. Does it limit mobility, interfere with work, or disrupt sleep? Describing these effects helps tailor treatment plans to address your specific needs.
  7. Is it worse when you get up in the morning?
    Morning stiffness and increased pain upon waking can occur in many conditions, such as arthritis or musculoskeletal issues. Noting whether your pain is more pronounced in the morning provides valuable information for diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
  8. Do you have any other symptoms that may seem related?
    Pain can often be accompanied by other symptoms that may seem unrelated but could offer additional diagnostic clues—for example, fatigue, sleep disturbances, mood changes, or digestive issues. A comprehensive overview of your symptoms ensures your healthcare provider has a holistic understanding of your condition.

    Open communication and an accurate description of your symptoms are crucial to receiving the most appropriate care. Take note of your experiences, be proactive in seeking medical advice, and work collaboratively with your healthcare provider to find the best strategies for managing and alleviating your pain.

How to Get More From Your Provider – 5 Questions to consider asking your provider during your appointment:

  1. I’m in pain; should I use the joint/muscle or rest it?
    Understanding whether rest or activity is the best approach for managing your pain is crucial. In some cases, gentle movement and exercise can promote healing and reduce discomfort. However, rest may be necessary in other situations to prevent further injury. Your healthcare provider can provide personalized advice based on your specific condition.
  2. How do I treat the pain? (Ice? Heat? Pain relievers?)
    Understanding the most effective treatment options for your pain is essential. Inquire about appropriate methods, such as applying ice or heat to the affected area. Ice can help reduce inflammation, while heat can ease muscle tension. Your healthcare provider may also recommend over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers to alleviate your symptoms.
  3. Are there other things I can do to feel better?
    Beyond conventional treatments, ask your healthcare provider about alternative therapies or complementary approaches that may help manage your pain. These could include physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, or mindfulness techniques. Exploring these options can provide you with a comprehensive pain management plan.
  4. Should I change my diet?
    Diet plays a significant role in overall health, including managing pain and inflammation. Inquire if there are any dietary changes or modifications that may be beneficial for your specific condition. Your healthcare provider may recommend an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats while limiting processed foods and sugary drinks.
  5. Are there vitamins or supplements I could take to help reduce inflammation?
    Certain vitamins and supplements have shown potential in reducing inflammation and supporting overall health. Ask your healthcare provider if any specific supplements may benefit your condition. Omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, ginger, and vitamin D are among the supplements studied for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Remember, these questions are a starting point for a productive conversation with your healthcare provider. Every individual’s situation is unique, and your provider will be able to offer personalized advice based on your medical history, symptoms, and diagnosis. You can work together to develop an effective pain management plan by actively engaging in dialogue and seeking guidance.

Invigorate Founder Karin Wagner and Brand Ambassador Baddest Chaplain Chris Burton, co-host a special podcast episode discussing how to Make the Most of Medical Appointments – Preparing for Your Appointment & Questions to Ask Your Care Team.

Let’s figure it out together, my friends.

Keep dancing,

Resources: Free Tools to Get More out of Medical Appointments


9 Steps to Prioritize and Take Control of Your Day

9 Steps to Prioritize and Take Control of Your Day

Karin W

October 5, 2023

We’re flying through our routines, grimacing through joint pain, drinking caffeine to fight off relentless fatigue and other complications accompanying autoimmune diseases.

Time is the only irreplaceable commodity, yet so many of us spend it racing through our daily routines without giving it much thought.

While here at Invigorate, we give you the steps, tools, and resources to empower your health journey while navigating autoimmune disease challenges; you may be thinking…

How the heck am I supposed to make these changes when it takes every ounce of my being just to get through the day?  

We hear you. Hang with us…

We have a finite number of hours in a day – 24 hours: eight for sleep, four for eating (including prep and dishes), two for essential self-care, like showering and laundry, and work for eight or so hours…give or take time on each side, we’re left with a few precious hours to spend with family and friends.

The good news is that you can take steps to get some stuff off your plate and prioritize to maximize those hours.

While it takes more initial effort and persistence to change your habits, the payoff will mean more energy and stamina to get more out of those hours – improving your quality time with family and friends.

9 Steps to Take Charge of Your Day

1. Track your steps.

Before cutting out the energy drainers and time suckers, we need to know how we spend our time. We’re generally not great at doing this, especially in our culture of multitasking, distractions, and various vices.

Being specific about each habit you have throughout the day will help you understand how these habits stack up and affect your energy.

Use a journal, an app, or pen and paper to record every task and every step you take throughout the day. Don’t worry; you won’t have to do it for long – two weeks is great, but even a few days of tracking can provide some insight.

2. Group your to-dos into categories.

  • Self-Maintenance: This category encompasses tasks related to taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. It may include self-care routines (which can be as simple as showering and brushing your teeth in the morning), personal development, and relaxation.
  • Family: This category focuses on tasks and responsibilities related to your immediate family members, such as spending quality time with loved ones, caring for their needs, and supporting their growth.
  • Exercise: Physical activity is essential for maintaining good health and energy levels. Include tasks related to exercise or any physical activities you engage in to improve your well-being.
  • Work/Commute: This category revolves around tasks related to your job or profession. It includes activities such as work projects, meetings, commuting, and professional development.
  • Social Life: Allocate a category for tasks that involve socializing and spending time with friends or participating in community events.
  • Household: This category encompasses tasks related to managing your living space, such as cleaning, organizing, cooking, grocery shopping, and home maintenance.

As you group your to-dos into categories, pay attention to overlapping tasks. For example, you might eat breakfast on your way to work, combining the self-maintenance and work/commute categories. Similarly, folding laundry while talking with a friend on the phone can fall under both the household and social life categories.

Identifying overlapping tasks can be advantageous as it allows you to maximize your time and accomplish multiple things simultaneously. However, be careful not to overload yourself with too many multitasking activities, as this can lead to feeling overwhelmed and not fully present in any of the tasks.

By grouping your to-dos into categories, you gain insights into where your time and energy are predominantly allocated. This awareness can help you assess if your current time allocation aligns with your priorities and make adjustments if necessary. It also allows you to see if any category consistently takes up more time or energy than desired, helping you identify areas where you may need to reprioritize or seek support.

Remember, these categories are not set in stone; you can customize them to fit your unique circumstances and responsibilities. The goal is to clearly understand how you spend your time and energy and make intentional choices that align with your values and well-being.

3. Identify necessary tasks and energy producers.

Our energy is significantly influenced by the types of activities we do. Some activities uplift us. We feel lighter and more energized. Conversely, other activities or tasks drain our energy, leaving us feeling heavy and depleted.

It’s important to consider how each task affects our energy so we can organize our day to prioritize our values, support our preferences, and propel us through the less energizing tasks.

Take note of how each task affects your energy, no matter how slight the change may be. Did the action give you a lift in energy, even if it was small? Or did it drain your energy? Some tasks may have a neutral effect.

By being mindful of these energy shifts, you can begin to identify patterns and make informed decisions about which tasks are necessary and which ones you can potentially eliminate.

A black woman portraying a lot of positive energy

This process is highly individual and unique to your own experiences and needs. What energizes one person may not have the same effect on another. Therefore, listening to your body, trusting your instincts, and making choices that support your overall health and happiness are essential.

4. Cut out tasks that drain your energy.

Tiredness and fatigue can be all too familiar for those living with autoimmune diseases. That’s why taking control of our energy and time is crucial. We can do this by pinpointing the tasks that drain us and exploring options to eliminate them. While it may not be easy initially, the rewards will be well worth it.

It’s time to take a closer look at how we spend our precious energy. Start by assessing your daily activities. Consider which tasks leave you feeling exhausted or depleted. Is it spending hours on social media? Or perhaps saying yes to every request, even when it stretches you thin? Take note of these energy-draining culprits.

Next, it’s time to prioritize. Determine which tasks are genuinely essential and align with your goals and values. These are the tasks that deserve your energy and attention. Giving yourself permission to let go of the non-essential tasks can be liberating. Remember, this is about preserving your energy for what matters most to you.

As you strive to cut out tasks that drain your energy, being gentle with yourself is crucial. Progress may not always be linear, and that’s okay. Focus on taking small steps and celebrating every win, no matter how insignificant.

In the challenging journey of autoimmune diseases, conserving our energy is a powerful tool. We empower ourselves to focus on what truly matters by eliminating tasks that drain us. So, let us take charge of our energy and create space for the activities that invigorate and inspire us.

5. Set it and forget it. Automate anything you can.

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, automation is paramount. It’s time to take advantage of the wonders of technology and automate those repetitive tasks that drain our energy and consume our precious time.

Imagine never having to scramble to put dinner together or wasting time standing in line at the pharmacy for prescription refills. With Invig Resource: Misfits Market, you can automate your grocery or meal delivery, ensuring that nourishing food arrives at your doorstep without lifting a finger. And why not let a trusty robot vacuum take care of never-ending cleaning tasks?

By automating these daily tasks, we can free up our time and conserve our energy for the things that truly matter. Just think of the stress that will melt away and the extra energy you’ll have to devote to self-care, hobbies, or creating meaningful moments with loved ones.

6. Delegate tasks to others.

Asking for help can be challenging, we know. But let us assure you, my dear friend, that learning to delegate can be a game-changer in reducing stress and conserving energy. Take a moment to identify tasks that can be delegated to others.

It could be asking a coworker for assistance on a project or assigning household chores to family members. And don’t forget about the power of community support.

Invig Resource: Give InKind is an excellent care coordination tool to get support with whatever you need. Let us embrace the power of coordination and delegation. Doing so allows us to focus our energy on what truly matters!

7. Outsource whatever you can.

Outsourcing can be a game-changer when it comes to managing your time and energy. While it may not always be feasible to outsource every task, it is worth considering those tasks that drain your energy or add unnecessary stress to your life. Outsourcing tasks can help reduce your workload, free up valuable time, and allow you to focus on the things that matter most to you.

Consider outsourcing household chores such as laundry, cleaning, or yard maintenance. These tasks often require physical effort and can be time-consuming, especially for individuals with autoimmune diseases or chronic illnesses. By hiring someone to take care of these tasks, you can conserve your energy and allocate it to activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Outsourcing can extend beyond household chores as well. You can outsource tasks like grocery shopping, meal preparation, or prescription pickups. These errands can take up a significant amount of time and energy, and by delegating them to someone else, you can save both.

Outsourcing doesn’t have to be expensive or involve hiring professional services. Get creative and seek help from neighbors, friends, or even local community organizations. For example, maybe a neighbor’s child could take out your trash or mow your yard for a small fee.

Additionally, resources or services may be available in your community specifically designed to support individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities.

When deciding whether to outsource a task, it can be helpful to calculate the cost-benefit. Assess the advantages of outsourcing, such as reduced stress, saved time, and conserved energy, against the expenses involved. Evaluate whether the potential benefits outweigh the cost, both financially and emotionally.

Outsourcing is not a sign of weakness or inability to do things independently. It’s a strategic decision to prioritize your well-being. Then, you can create space for activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and better overall health.

8. You do what you schedule. Plan out your day.

Now that you have narrowed your list to the necessary to-dos and activities that fuel your energy, it’s time to plan your day. The phrase “you do what you schedule” is incredibly accurate.

By planning what you must accomplish each day, you can note the essential tasks and allocate the necessary time to them. Organizing your day in this way can help you prevent overcommitment, conserve energy, and reduce stress.

One of the biggest hurdles in planning your day is being realistic about what you can get done in a day. It’s essential to be mindful of your energy levels and adjust your plans accordingly. Your priorities might even change throughout the day, depending on how you’re feeling.

To ensure you don’t overcommit yourself, it can be helpful to physically limit the space you use to manage your to-do list. While digital task managers like Microsoft’s To-Do list are convenient, they provide endless space for adding tasks. Consider using a paper calendar, so you have a limited space to fill. This can help you prioritize and focus on what must be done.

9. Reprioritize  

Life is constantly throwing new things at us, and we often have to adjust our plans on the fly. When a new task comes up, take a moment to consider whether it truly belongs on your list.

Evaluate if it aligns with your priorities and belongs to your to-do list. If it does, make a conscious effort to determine where it falls within your priorities. Look at your categories and identify which one the task belongs to. Then, take a long look to see if it can be automated, delegated, or outsourced.

Tip: Do a Double-Take. When a new task comes up, ensure it belongs on your list. Does the request align with your priorities and belong to your To-Do list?

Regularly checking in and reassessing your list is crucial. Priorities can evolve, and what seemed important a week ago might not hold the same weight now. By reevaluating and reprioritizing, you can ensure that your energy and time are aligned with your most important goals and responsibilities.

Productivity Tip: Take breaks!

Remember to give yourself breaks throughout the day. Taking quality mental breaks is essential for maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout. Research has shown that our brains have limited focus time, and pushing ourselves to concentrate excessively can result in impulsive behavior, creative blocks, and poor collaboration.

According to Srini Pillay, M.D., an executive coach and CEO of NeuroBusiness Group, taking “unfocused time” has numerous benefits. It allows our brain to wander, sparking creative thinking and enhancing problem-solving skills.

So, make sure to schedule regular breaks during your day and engage in activities that allow your mind to rest and recharge. Avoid getting distracted by mindless social media scrolling and instead engage in activities that truly help you relax and rejuvenate.

Crafting a Personalized System for Optimal Time and Energy Management

By following these nine steps, you can create a personalized system that works for you and helps you use your time and energy best. Prioritizing is crucial for individuals with autoimmune diseases or chronic illnesses, as it allows you to conserve energy, reduce stress, and focus on the things that matter most to you.

All of this is easy in theory. It’s sticking with it and giving your To-Do list the thought and effort needed to spend your valuable time on the things most important to you.  

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. We are standing beside you, ready to lend an empathetic ear, share helpful tools and resources to empower your journey and provide a supportive community to lean on. Together, we can navigate the challenging terrain of autoimmune diseases and reclaim our lives.

Hair thinning and hair loss thanks to Autoimmune Disease and Chronic Illness effects

Hair thinning and hair loss thanks to Autoimmune Disease and Chronic Illness effects

Karin W

October 3, 2023

Shock and despair washed over me as I stared at the clump of hair in my soapy hand – a fun side effect of my immunosuppressant medication.

Hair loss can be devastating, and while there are alternative options, the experience can pile onto an already emotional load of coping with autoimmune disease symptoms and side effects. 

Alopecia, often associated with autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses, goes beyond mere hair loss.

Man holding a clump of hair in his hand and distressed about it.

In this blog post, we delve into the complexities of alopecia, medical treatment options, alternative therapies, and ways to help embrace your look if you so choose to rock a new look! 

Understanding Alopecia, Hair Loss, and Hair Thinking with Autoimmune Diseases 

Alopecia areata, a medical term for hair loss or baldness, occurs in small, random areas on our scalp. Our immune system mistakenly identifies the hair follicles and nails as foreign to the body, leading to their attack. 

Researchers have found that alopecia areata results from an autoimmune response targeting hair follicles. This autoimmune response is triggered when the body’s immune system mistakenly identifies the hair follicles as foreign invaders and attacks them.

This mistaken immune response can also extend to the nails, resulting in white streaks across the nail and weakness and brittleness. It is essential to understand that alopecia is not merely a cosmetic issue but a medical condition with underlying autoimmune factors.

There are many classifications of alopecia areata. It all depends on how much hair you’ve lost and where the hair loss is happening on your body. 

  • Totalis means all of the hair on your scalp.
  • Universalis means all the hair on your scalp and your body hair.
  • Diffuse alopecia areata means the hair is thinning rather than falling out in patches.
  • Ophiasis alopecia areata means losing a band of hair on the bottom back sides of your scalp. 

Autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, thyroid disease, diabetes, lupus, and vitiligo can increase the risk of alopecia. It’s a symptom that should be considered during the diagnosis process and treatment plan. 

Alopecia can also be a side effect of medications taken for autoimmune diseases. For instance, some immunosuppressants, including Methotrexate, can exacerbate hair thinning and loss, like in my case. 

The Nature of Alopecia Flares

The nature of autoimmune diseases like alopecia is such that they tend to have flare-ups and remissions. These flares can be unpredictable and may cause worsening of symptoms. It is common for individuals with alopecia to experience hair loss during flare-ups.

Chris Burton, Invigorate Your Autoimmune Disease Journey Podcast Co-host and brand ambassador, has shared that he experienced hair loss during his flare-ups but that it regrew after the flare ended. This is consistent with autoimmune diseases, where symptoms may wax and wane, often without apparent rhyme or reason.

While some individuals can ride out these flare-ups without significant long-term consequences, others may require more sustained treatment. 

Some strategies that may help manage alopecia flare-ups and promote overall hair health include using gentle hair care products, avoiding harsh treatments such as chemical relaxers or bleach, eating a clean diet, and managing stress levels. 

Additionally, some individuals may benefit from medications or other treatments to help manage symptoms during flare-ups. Working with a healthcare professional to identify triggers for flare-ups and develop strategies to manage symptoms during these periods is essential.

Medical Treatment Options for Alopecia

Treatment options for alopecia vary, and dermatologists play a crucial role in addressing hair loss and nail issues. We always think about dermatologists helping you with your skin, but they specialize in hair and nails too! 

Options such as corticosteroids, minoxidil, phototherapy, and topical immunotherapy may be prescribed based on individual cases. These treatments aim to reduce inflammation, stimulate hair follicle growth, and suppress the autoimmune response that leads to hair loss.

Sometimes, your rheumatologist may prescribe supplements, including folic acid or methofolate, to help mitigate hair thinning and hair loss, even when it’s caused by medications like some immunosuppressants. 

Dermatologists are an excellent resource for developing a treatment plan that suits one’s needs. Each person’s experience with alopecia is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Therefore, it is essential to have a personalized approach to treatment.

Supplements May Help Promote Hair Growth and Prevent Hair Loss

It’s important to note that when considering alternative therapies for alopecia or hair loss, there is limited regulation when it comes to supplements. This means that the quality and efficacy of these products may vary. However, some supplements have shown promising results in promoting hair, skin, and nail health.

Collagen peptides have gained popularity recently for their potential benefits in supporting healthy hair, nails, and skin. Collagen is a protein that provides structural support to these tissues, and supplementing with collagen peptides can help replenish and support their health. Collagen peptides have also been shown to support joint health, which benefits individuals experiencing joint pain.

When choosing a collagen peptides supplement, it’s essential to look for brands that have certifications such as Certified Paleo Friendly and Keto Certified. These certifications ensure that the product meets specific quality standards. Choosing a non-GMO supplement, free from artificial flavors, sweeteners, and hidden fillers, is also advisable to ensure a clean and pure product.

Invigorate Favorite Resource star with tulip

Sports Research Collagen Peptides is a high-quality collagen supplement that ticks all the boxes. It provides protein and amino acids to support healthy hair, nails, and skin. It is also backed by certifications and is free from unwanted additives, making it a reliable choice.

Another supplement that can help support overall hair, skin, and nail health contains biotin, zinc, and manganese. Biotin, a B vitamin, promotes healthy hair and nails. Zinc and manganese are crucial minerals in various biological processes, including hair growth and maintenance.

Invigorate Favorite Resource star with tulip

Pure Encapsulations Hair/Skin/Nails Ultra is a high-quality supplement that combines biotin, zinc, and manganese to support overall hair, skin, and nail health. It’s essential to choose a reliable brand like Pure Encapsulations to ensure the purity and efficacy of the supplement.

While these supplements can promote hair, skin, and nail health, it’s important to remember that they should not replace a balanced diet and proper medical guidance. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before starting any new supplements, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medication.

Alternative Therapy Options for Alopecia, Hair Loss, and Hair Thinning

However, it’s crucial to note that treatment options may not be effective for everyone. If the body does not respond to medical treatments or if the individual prefers not to pursue them, there are alternative therapy options people have had success with. 

One such alternative therapy that has gained attention in recent years is the use of essential oils.

Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts known for their therapeutic properties. They have been used for centuries in traditional medicine practices for various ailments, including promoting hair growth. Research suggests certain essential oils can benefit people experiencing alopecia or hair loss.

In a seven-month study published in the Archives of Dermatology, participants with hair loss who massaged a combination of cedarwood, lavender, rosemary, and thyme essential oils into their scalps experienced new hair growth. To ensure safe application, these essential oils were diluted with milder carrier oils such as jojoba and grapeseed oils.

Cedarwood essential oil is believed to improve blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth. Lavender essential oil has calming properties and may help reduce stress, a factor that can contribute to hair loss. Rosemary essential oil stimulates hair follicles and improves hair thickness and growth. Finally, thyme essential oil has antimicrobial properties that help maintain a healthy scalp environment.

To use essential oils for hair regrowth, it is recommended to dilute them with carrier oils before applying them to the scalp. This prevents any potential skin irritation or sensitivities. A suggested dilution ratio is 2-3 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil.

Massage the oil mixture into the scalp using gentle circular motions. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it out. For best results, repeat the process a few times a week.

While individual experiences may vary, some people have reported positive results after using essential oils for hair regrowth. However, it’s important to note that essential oils should not replace medical advice or prescribed treatments. If you are experiencing significant hair loss or alopecia, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan.

Additionally, it’s essential to be cautious when using essential oils, as they can be potent and cause allergic reactions or skin irritation in some people. Always perform a patch test on a small skin area before applying essential oils to the scalp.

Alternative Options to Embrace Changing Hair 

If medical or alternative treatments for alopecia aren’t suitable or don’t provide the desired results, abundant alternative options are available to help enhance your appearance and boost your confidence. Two popular options are hair extensions and wigs.

Hair Extensions

Hair extensions can be an excellent choice for those who want to add length, volume, or even just a bit of flair to their hair. With a wide range of colors, textures, and styles, hair extensions offer endless possibilities for trying out new looks. 

Whether you prefer a subtle enhancement or a bold transformation, extensions can help you achieve the desired effect. They can be attached through various methods, such as clip-ins, tape-ins, or bonded extensions, depending on your preference and the expertise of a professional stylist.

When dealing with hair that breaks off but doesn’t entirely fall out, hair extensions can be a viable option to help achieve the desired length and volume. Hair extensions come in two main types: synthetic and human hair.

Synthetic hair extensions are crafted from artificial fibers and are generally less durable and long-lasting than human hair extensions. While they are more affordable than natural hair extensions, synthetic options have drawbacks. They can be challenging to care for and style, and they may not give as natural of a look as human hair extensions.

On the other hand, human hair extensions, also referred to as natural hair extensions, are made from real human hair. These extensions can be styled and treated like your hair, allowing seamless integration. Human hair extensions are more expensive than synthetic counterparts due to their quality and longevity. However, they offer a more natural appearance and can last longer with proper care.

One of the essential advantages of human hair extensions is their ability to blend effortlessly with natural hair, providing a seamless and natural look. They can be dyed, heat-styled, and even washed like your own hair. This versatility allows for greater flexibility in achieving the desired style or look.

One note to consider: synthetic hair extensions are typically more challenging to maintain. They can easily tangle, resulting in frequent split ends. Split ends occur when the tips of the hair look divided and lack the smoothness and natural appearance of undamaged hair.

When considering hair extensions for hair that breaks off but doesn’t entirely fall out, it’s crucial to determine your priorities. If natural and long-lasting results are essential to you, investing in human hair extensions may be the best choice despite the higher initial cost. However, if affordability is a primary concern and you’re willing to put in extra effort for maintenance, synthetic hair extensions could be an alternative option.

Ultimately, the decision between synthetic and human hair extensions should be based on individual preferences, budget, and desired results. It’s advisable to consult with a professional stylist or extension specialist to assess your specific needs and ensure the best outcome.

Exploring Wig Options

Wigs are another alternative option that can completely transform your appearance. They offer a quick and convenient solution for individuals experiencing significant hair loss or wanting to experiment with different hairstyles. 

Wigs come in various styles, lengths, colors, and materials, allowing you to change your look or mimic your natural hair completely. They can be made from synthetic fibers or natural human hair, allowing for customization based on your preferences and budget. High-quality wigs are designed to provide a comfortable fit, natural appearance, and style freedom.

Inexpensive Synthetic Wigs: These are often cheaper but may be itchy and hot. They suit individuals requiring a temporary solution or experimenting with different hairstyles without investing in a high-cost wig.

Lace Front Synthetic Wigs: Slightly more expensive than basic synthetic wigs, lace front synthetic wigs offer a more natural look. The lace front allows for a seamless hairline, making distinguishing the wig from natural hair harder.

Human Hair Wigs: While they require more maintenance and upkeep, they are worth investing in for individuals who want to wear them regularly. These wigs offer the most natural appearance and can be styled and cared for like real hair.

Choosing the right wig option depends on individual preferences, budget, and lifestyle. It is recommended to consult with a wig specialist to find the best fit and style that suits your needs.

Both hair extensions and wigs can offer versatility and self-expression, allowing you to explore different styles and looks that suit your personality and desired image. They can enhance your existing hair or completely cover any areas affected by alopecia. Additionally, these options provide a sense of control and empowerment, as you can switch up your look whenever you please.

Working with a professional stylist or consultant specializing in hair extensions or wigs is essential to ensure the best fit, style, and maintenance. They can guide you in choosing the right option for your needs and offer suggestions on care and styling techniques.

Experimenting with hair extensions or wigs can be a fun and confidence-boosting experience. It’s a chance to explore different looks, enhance natural beauty, and embrace uniqueness. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new – you never know how it might positively impact your self-esteem and overall well-being.

Finding Strength and Support with People Who Understand Autoimmune Disease

Hair loss can be a significant emotional challenge, often impacting our identity. However, it’s essential to remember that we are not alone on this journey. Through the Invigorate podcast, we aim to bring the autoimmune community together by sharing valuable information and personal stories. Embracing who we are in any season of life can be a powerful act of self-acceptance and strength.

Invigorate community member and brand ambassador Heather Knox shares her journey of embracing her shaved head and provides tips for feeling better with a new look, including fun glasses, makeup experimentation, and accessorizing with jewelry on the Invigorate Your Autoimmune Disease Journey Podcast.

Connecting with others who have experienced alopecia or other autoimmune conditions can provide a sense of belonging and understanding. The Invigorate Facebook group is valuable for those seeking emotional support and a safe space to share their experiences.

Embracing our unique appearance and finding support within the community empowers us to overcome the emotional struggles that may accompany hair loss. Remember, you are not alone – the Invigorate community is here to strengthen the autoimmune community by sharing stories, information, and hope. 


This blog post draws inspiration from various sources, including personal experiences, medical professionals, and reputable autoimmune disease organizations.

Listen to the “Coping with Hair Loss and Alopecia with Autoimmune Diseases” discussion on Spotify!

Prevention magazine: Herbal Remedies ALL-NATURAL CURES, July 2023

Hair Extensions Direct, What is Hair Extension? Here’s Everything You Need to Know – Hair Extension Direct

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