A Path to Improved Snoozin’

99% of autoimmune patients reported that fatigue impacts their quality of life,

92% said it affects their family relationships.

89% of respondents said it affects their ability to work.


You’re Not Alone in Needing More Sleep

We all know how important it is to get 8-9 hours of sleep every night, especially when dealing with fatigue. But the demands of life and racing thoughts can disrupt restful sleep when we need it most.

We have you covered with our community’s tips, tools, and resources to get more sleep! Explore below!

Explore Simple Steps to Get Better Sleep & Deeper Rest

Say hello to better snoozin by falling asleep faster and staying asleep longer with our community’s recommended tips, tools, and resources!

Female sleeping on her side

Follow the 10-3-2-1-0 Sleep Guide

  • 10 hours before bed – switch to water or tea without caffeine
  • 3 hours before bed – stop eating
  • 2 hours before bed – shut down work
  • 1 hour before bed – turn off screens
  • 0 times you hit the snooze button in the morning (source)

Create an Environment Best for Sleeping

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Surprising Ways to Improve Sleep

We tend to look at our health in silos, but when we take a step back, we can see how “unrelated” actions influence other aspects of our wellbeing.

  • Expose yourself to bright daylight in the morning to turn off melatonin production
  • Get outside for a dose of sunshine to synchronize your body clock and lift mood
  • Eat protein in the evening to foster serotonin production to help you relax

Sleep Cycle

You can track and analyze your sleep with Sleep Cycle, but also utilize the apps music, stories, and meditation to fall asleep.

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SleepHub-Sleep Talk Podcast

These podcast episodes, run by Dr. Moira Junge, Health Psychologist, and Dr. David Cunnington, Sleep Physician, explain various sleep challenges and discuss specific tactics to address and resolve them.

Browse Podcasts

Explore Steps to Remission & Better Health

Physical Activity

Reduce inflammation and improve your overall health by incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. Explore our curated resources, customized for all levels of mobility and fitness, to stay active and move towards remission.

See Steps!
Flare Mangement

In the midst of a flare, prioritizing your recovery and finding relief can be difficult. Take the first step in taking control of your autoimmune flares with our curated collection of tools and techniques to aid in your recovery.

Explore Steps
Sun and cloud mental health icon
Mental Health

Mental health issues are common in people with autoimmune diseases, and inflammation can exacerbate symptoms. Explore steps to improve your mental health and well-being.

Learn More!
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